About Me

My photo
Sublimity, OR, United States
I am artist of texture and color. I enjoy working with textiles, mixed media and the graphic arts. I am an avid cottage gardener with a love for pass along plants and big fluffy pink peonies and pink roses. Many of my tangible creations reflect my love of the garden and all its wonderful colors. I have been selling my creations online since 2002 beginning as a hobby. After 10 years I quit the day job to pursue my art as a full time passion.

09 November 2009

Celebrate our Veterans this week

I have been so busy the last week, and what was good intentions to post something interesting at least twice a week never happened! My day job was brutal with a heavy load of data imput, and my website was so busy that I have been stuggling to keep up packing and shipping, and listing new inventory. But not complaining mind you, I love being busy!!

This week I would like to take a moment to recognize our Veterans
and those currently serving in our armed forces

While none of us likes war, there is no reason not to appreciate those who have and are currently there for us in times of peril--our guys and gals in all branches of the American Service

So my hats off to all of you! I truly thank all of you for keeping myself, my family, friends and ancestors safe and living the American dream of freedom!

Celebrate Freedom! Happy Veterans Day!

...and help yourself to the images....


Romantic Pansy said...

great post! they deserve our recognition and respect! Thank you!

Ginger said...

Debbie, I'm with you, our soldiers are the best of the best and the veterns deserve all of our praises. My Dad fought in WWII as did my 2 uncles, both of my gggrandfathers fought in the Civil War...I am so proud of them all.
Great post.

glitter and roses

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

A warm and wonderful tribute to our Veterans, Debbi! Thank you!
My husband spent a year in Korea and two tours in Viet Nam. Sad years to be sure! I so appreciate any praise and tribute to our servicemen. I am very anti war but so supportive of our servicemen! I pray there will be no more war one day!

Wendy McDonagh-Valentine said...

Amen to this post!!! God bless America and all who fight to protect it!! :)

~ Wendy

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