
About Me

My photo
Sublimity, OR, United States
I am artist of texture and color. I enjoy working with textiles, mixed media and the graphic arts. I am an avid cottage gardener with a love for pass along plants and big fluffy pink peonies and pink roses. Many of my tangible creations reflect my love of the garden and all its wonderful colors. I have been selling my creations online since 2002 beginning as a hobby. After 10 years I quit the day job to pursue my art as a full time passion.

12 September 2011

sweet treats pin cushions

Not long ago, I ventured into a new thrift shop in a nearby town and found stacks of vintage metal jello molds. they were only 50 cents a stack of 6, so I bought several not really knowing what the heck I would do with them. A little googling came up with some great ideas from candles to Christmas ornaments to the fun idea of pincushions. And since I am a textile artist, I have lots of fabric scraps and embellishments. So with spray paint in hand, I set off to try my hand a few. It was one of the many projects I have that I just go with what turns out. After looking at these, the pastel ones look like candy and ice cream. The retro ones remind me of my grandma's kitchen.
This bunch I am going to include in the Shabby Lane Shops Boutique bags that will be sold at the Christmas Gift show in Nashville this fall. I will most likely have a few on my website for holiday stocking stuffers too.


Anonymous said...

Aw sweet! You have some great spray paint colors. all I have is white! Yeah, I can see that red and yellow one in my farm kitchen and the pastels in my craft room! very cute, Debbi! ♥

Note new blog name!

Terri said...

adorable pin cushions!

Dawn said...

What a great find. You sure turned those molds into something adorable. Love your blog design. And the sweet bird tweets!

Art From The heart said...

Now how cute are those and so pretty.

Dreaming of Vintage said...

How cute! I love them!

Leo Leandry said...

Oh...look delicious and beautiful. I love the colors.

Linda said...

Very cute! I love them all!!

Grandma Linda's Daydreams said...

They are so cute! What a lovely use of small pieces of pretty fabrics. Could be used on the dresser to, for safety pins, hat pins, and small scatter pins.

Charo said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!!!


Linda Carole Bloom said...

I love these cupcake pincushions! What a great idea for fabric scraps. I'm already thinking of stocking stuffers to - us crafty folks have to. BUT we will be thinking spring in Feb.! Love, Linda

patchworkandlace said...

Hi , i think your blog is really lovely i love the design and the pin cushions are adorable x

Sandra said...

You are certainly creative! What delightful items you made. I'm sure they will be very popular.

The Cutest Cottage Lamps said...

These pin cushions are just so sweet! I love them!

Ral @ARTbyRT Seascapes and Island Life said...

Delicious, I'll be ordering a few for my Christmas 'stuffers'!

Aloha Ral

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