About Me

My photo
Sublimity, OR, United States
I am artist of texture and color. I enjoy working with textiles, mixed media and the graphic arts. I am an avid cottage gardener with a love for pass along plants and big fluffy pink peonies and pink roses. Many of my tangible creations reflect my love of the garden and all its wonderful colors. I have been selling my creations online since 2002 beginning as a hobby. After 10 years I quit the day job to pursue my art as a full time passion.

02 July 2013

An evening garden stroll

I am sure many of you have heard or are experiencing the heat in the western half of the USA. We went from rain to heat within just a few days. It had rained so much that when the heat came the humidity soared. And when you live in Oregon, summer humidity is very rare. I thought I was back in Hawaii for a minute. But we don't have it quite as bad as further south, we topped out at 98f. July 4th looks like we will be a perfect 85f. Certainly not complaining.

Last night I stepped out for a few cottage garden photos.

I think this is my favorite section at the moment

Eden roses, coreopsis, alyssum, geraniums, swedish ivy and angel face roses grace this bed that also invites lots of pretty birds for a snack and a bath

on the other side of the garden, the Betty Corning clematis is making a beautiful show along with the hollyhocks that are just starting to bloom

Below, trellised at the fence, the star jasmine fragrance is wonderful in the evening with all this heat.

Hope you enjoyed, I will be back soon with another evening tour when the hollyhocks are in their glory!

This week I am joining in on these parties
It’s Bloomin’ Tuesday @ Ms. Green Thumb Jean
Tuesday Garden Party @ An Oregon Cottage
Outdoor Wednesday @ A Southern Daydreamer
Garden Party @ Fishtail Cottage
Simple and sweet Fridays @Rooted in Thyme
Fresh Cut Fridays@http://rosevignettes.blogspot.com/


Stacy said...

Your garden is amazing right now!! I love the bell shaped clematis. I used to have one named alionushka at my old garden and it was quite charming. Much of my new garden is newly planted so it isn't much to look at right now but I am working hard at it! Thank you for visiting my blog. It made my day!

Sunflowers With Smiles said...

Lovely gardens! My sister lives in Oregon too, I have visited many of times and love it there!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Your roses are gorgeous, Debbi! I love the shots with the bird bath and the roses. I'm looking to get some kind of statuary here and I'm thinking one thing might be a bird bath.

Anonymous said...

it was lovely strolling thru your garden!! lovely blooms! we are still having the humidity here in northern Oregon, but its nice to see the sun finally!!

Betty said...

Your garden looks so lovely.

We are having too much rain here in WV this year. Rains almost everyday and the heat is horrible.

Heaven's Walk said...

Gorgeousness, Debbi! Wow! You were truly born with 2 green thumbs, girl. :)

xoxo laurie

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi Debbi: Your garden is so beautiful. I know what you mean about the heat. It has been awful. It did start to cool down here too. Have a great 4th of July! Hugs, Martha

sweet violets said...

Your hard work has really paid off Deb!!!! It is all beautiful.....love the hollyhocks, so old fashioned and charming.....

Mindy said...

So pretty!!!
I've been a waterin' fool the last few days and things are still droopin' in the heat. I'm looking forward to cooler days. Over 85 is too hot for this broad. :)

Regena The Queen said...

The garden looks like a place of perfect reflection, Deb. Nicely done! Regena

Mylise said...

Adorable garden ! I love it...

Unknown said...

Your garden is wonderful. What a great place to retreat to. :) It is so hot here too. Hopefully, we will be getting a break this weekend.

Thank you so much for joining Fresh-Cut Friday! I'm so glad you did:)

Have a great weekend!

Stephanie said...

Your roses are spectacular! Roses are a weakness of mine :) Thank you for sharing and have a delightful weekend.

Hugs to you!

Every Saturday

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The Oregon Coastline

The Oregon Coastline