About Me

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Sublimity, OR, United States
I am artist of texture and color. I enjoy working with textiles, mixed media and the graphic arts. I am an avid cottage gardener with a love for pass along plants and big fluffy pink peonies and pink roses. Many of my tangible creations reflect my love of the garden and all its wonderful colors. I have been selling my creations online since 2002 beginning as a hobby. After 10 years I quit the day job to pursue my art as a full time passion.

05 October 2013

Fall on the front porch

The best part of the season, is that my dark red house really does lend itself to fall colors. I will be honest that I am not a big fan of Autumn (as I have stated that in my past blog posts). Autumn signals a long rainy winter here in Oregon with little sun. But when my flowers are tired, I really do embrace the season. Plus my porch really does look bare.

I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to be able to decorate my porch for fall. We had an outstandingly beautiful summer her in the Pacific Northwest. Usually we gracefully transition into fall with September still summer dry, but not this September. We had 2 big rainstorms dumping EIGHT inches of rain! Normal is just a half inch of rain for the entire month. Needless to say, it was a mess cleaning up my summer porch garden.

Once that icky weather moved on, we were treated to some beautiful Indian summer sun and 75f.  Today I brought out the fall decor.  I must admit that this current fall display will only be fully functional until the next rain and wind event comes along. While my south facing front porch is tranquil and relaxing in the summer and early fall, it becomes a nasty windy place to be in the late fall and winter.  Our inclement weather blows in from the southwest. I learned quickly the first year we lived in this house, that anything that wasn't anchored, would be blown into the field across the road.

The Squirrel Haven Nut Farm sign
~long story~
but a sign I had at another house we lived at several years ago and a not so nice neighbor. 
It always gave us a chuckle, and still does :)

Just before sunset, the colors are amazing!


sweet violets said...

What a wonderful porch you have, and it is decorated so nicely!!!

Anonymous said...

You have a lot of nice fall decor, Debbie! I hope to acquire more now that I'm settled. At least I hope I'm settled. :)

Donna said...

Very pretty. Love it all!

Betty said...

I love your porch. Your house looks so lovely and fall.

Rosemary and Thyme said...

What a pretty porch. Love all the fall touches.

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Your porch is beautiful with all the colorful fall decorations. You're so ahead of me!

Emma Joy said...

What a beautiful porch. I really adore the colors!

How nice it must be to decorate and enjoy the time of beauty before the Fall and Winter weather are here to stay!

Please check out my blog which has a number of articles on a variety of topics; such as, "The Importance of Family", "Women", "God's word", "Purity", "Quotes", "Our Need for God", "Is Jesus the Only Way?", "Marriage", and "Self Esteem".


Thank you!

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

I love the color of your house and it especially looks pretty all decked out with Fall touches. Such a warm welcome for all who visit. Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY...

Sherry at The Rusty Pearl said...

Just gorgeous .. New follower here and love it -Stop by and visit me at The Rusty Pearl anytime. HUGS and would love to have you follow along sister .. Have a blessed rest of the week

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I used to wonder if I would ever get over missing Oregon. I finally did but when I see your pictures it all comes rushing back. My childhood days were magical and they were spent in Portland in the early 40's. It was beautiful. We moved to California and I never stopped wanting to "go home" and then one day my late husband, Pat and I, took a trip. We didn't start out for Oregon. We first started out with no particular destination in mind..except Couer' D'alene Idaho, and ended up going through Washington to Oregon.
My baby brother is buried there.
I am glad I went.
I loved reading your blog.

Unknown said...

Beautiful front porch!!

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Where we reside

The Oregon Coastline

The Oregon Coastline