About Me

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Sublimity, OR, United States
I am artist of texture and color. I enjoy working with textiles, mixed media and the graphic arts. I am an avid cottage gardener with a love for pass along plants and big fluffy pink peonies and pink roses. Many of my tangible creations reflect my love of the garden and all its wonderful colors. I have been selling my creations online since 2002 beginning as a hobby. After 10 years I quit the day job to pursue my art as a full time passion.

13 October 2014

Fall on the porch

As most have figured out, I like to decorate my large porch! Fall decorating comes a bit later for me. It is really hard to let go of my summer flower pots as they tend to linger well into October since we usually do not have the killing frosts until late November here in western Oregon.
With a big change in the weather coming this week, I decided it was time to make the transition even tho it was 75f and nice warm breeze!

 I have to admit, the wagon was not my idea, it was inspiration from Pinterest and I just happened to have a red wagon to pull it off.

 I picked up the black enamel camp pot at an estate sale this summer. Usually you don't see many this color or the wider stockier shape. Kinda cool to add to a fall display too!

 And of course, my trusty wood carrier, always transitions to any seasons display!

 Normally not a big fan of mums, but I couldn't resist these yellow ones, they were like big fluffy cushions!

 Love this metal sunflower sculpture I picked up several years ago.

  A couple of "go to" pieces that seem to always fit. Vintage metal watering can and the wood picket fence wall hanger. Some of the pumpkins are "real" and some are not! Quite a conversation piece for our visitors to try figure out!

I hope you enjoyed the mini tour!


Suzanne MacCrone Rogers • Italian Girl in Georgia™ said...

So inviting Debbi! Happy week to you.


Sandra said...

What an attractive way of dressing up your porch. It looks so welcoming and interesting.

krishna said...

Aha!!! at last I could see your lovely fall porch... beautiful..

Photography classes San Francisco said...

This is wonderful.

Kathy said...

So pretty and inviting. I would love to just stand there and try to figure out the pumpkins.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Debbi, Fall on your porch is gorgeous. Love your darling little wagon.
Thank you for stopping by today. It is always great to see you.
Have a wonderful rest of the week.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Debbi, It's all perfect...I bet your front porch is the stand out in the neighborhood!!


Linda said...

Beautiful and heartwarming.

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