About Me

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Sublimity, OR, United States
I am artist of texture and color. I enjoy working with textiles, mixed media and the graphic arts. I am an avid cottage gardener with a love for pass along plants and big fluffy pink peonies and pink roses. Many of my tangible creations reflect my love of the garden and all its wonderful colors. I have been selling my creations online since 2002 beginning as a hobby. After 10 years I quit the day job to pursue my art as a full time passion.

01 May 2010

Happy May Day!

 It's May Day and here is a bit of it's history!

May Day was once, in its earliest days of glory, quite a celebrated date. It was marked by plenty of dancing, singing, and merriment. This holiday was often symbolized by the colorful new growth of spring. It was an early tradition for the youngsters of Europe to carry fresh flowers and boughs and to visit neighborhood houses. They would sing songs that commemorated the arrival of springtime too. People typically decorated their homes with fresh flowers, green leaves, and tree branches. And, May Poles were a common sight on this holiday. Some considered the poles to represent the "tree of life." They were erected in the town squares in order to mark the presence of spring as well as the coming of summer when all of the trees, flowers, and crops would be growing heartily in the light of the golden sunshine. The May Poles were usually trees that had been cut down in the forests. The branches were removed, and the trees were then carried into town. Brightly colored ribbons were then attached to the tops of the trees. The youngsters took turns grabbing a ribbon and dancing around the poles as part of their May Day celebration. Some cultures believed that the winding of the ribbons around the May Poles was an attempt at helping Nature remain in balance after the long, cold winter, and continue its plush green growth cycle. The youngsters would wind the ribbons together in a colorful pattern. The youngsters also held an annual election in which they selected a May Day King and Queen who were then supposed tp preside over the days events.

Help yourself to these lovely images-my gift to you for May Day!
Just click on the image to enlarge to full size, then right click your mouse to save


Terry said...

Happy May Day to you :)
This was a truly beautiful post .
Thank you so much for sharing this rich history with us today.
May you have the best Month of May ever !
Until next time
Happy Trails


Happy May Day!
Congrat's on your newest Grandbaby.
Deb :)

Lisa said...

Isn't it a full of great tradition!
Happy May Day!

June said...

What a fun read. When I was little my mom would help my sister and I make our baskets and fill them with flowers from her garden and we would take them to the elderly people on our block. I loved this day.

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

Hi Debbi
I haven't been to your blog in a very long time....I loved reading about May Day as it is a dau, growing up in Omaha, NE. that we always took part in....my Mom was a professional artist and oh the fun we had making baskets and filling them with lilacs, lily of the valley, violets. I thought it was exciting to run and leave them on the door knobs and run away quickly. Of course, it was always fun to collect those that were left for us!

Nishant said...

Congrat's on your newest Grandbaby.
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