About Me

My photo
Sublimity, OR, United States
I am artist of texture and color. I enjoy working with textiles, mixed media and the graphic arts. I am an avid cottage gardener with a love for pass along plants and big fluffy pink peonies and pink roses. Many of my tangible creations reflect my love of the garden and all its wonderful colors. I have been selling my creations online since 2002 beginning as a hobby. After 10 years I quit the day job to pursue my art as a full time passion.

04 June 2010

Our adventure in the Caribbean Day 11-13

I was in meetings for 2 days, so a bit behind here. I am going to finish up the tale of of Caribbean adventure today. Our last day on the cruise was a day at sea headed to San Juan, Puerto Rico. We spent a lazy day just plain relaxing. Becky and I did go to a "napkin folding" class, and now I can fold about 8 kinds of napkins instead of 2 LOL. After departing the ship, we checked our bags at the hotel, grabbed a cab and headed into Old Town San Juan.

The above pic is one of the side streets I snapped a pic of. I wanted to show the narrow brick streets of Old Town. Most of the streets are full of people and bumper to bumper cars. San Juan is also know for the decorative "doors". You see so many different colors.

 loved these balcony gardens!

I have to say the shopping was fabulous! Good prices, lots of variety. As you can see the "old farts" got tired and sat for a spell and let us continue on.
Above is the last gate to San Juan. San Juan used to be a completely walled in city to protect itself from its many enemies. Below ares pics of  Jim and I just to the right of that wall overlooking the harbor.

After shopping we decide to venture over to one of the two old forts of San Juan. The pics are below. These very old stone structures also were retrofitted and used by the US in WW2.
 Below is the other fort in the distance--we were warned not to go to the beach shown between these forts as is it is a very dangerous area.

Sadly, we must return to our hotel, and prepare for the next day's (Day 14) travel home. We had wanted to trex to San Juan's rain forest, but we needed one more day to do that.Maybe the next time...

Jim and I discussed our "first cruise" experience. We loved all the ports of call. It gave us the chance to get a flavor of all these islands and choose our favorites if we ever decide to do a resort vacation. There were many things we loved about cruising, but some we didn't. We decided, yes, we would probably cruise again someday, but we really we are "resort" or "condo" vacationers. We still call the Kona Coast of Hawaii our favorite destination, but would love to revisit St. Lucia and St. Croix sometime in the future. I hoped you enjoyed "traveling" with me in blog posts this week. Now I am praying this Oregon rain will turn into summer sun, so I can play in my cottage garden with my roses!


Char said...

Oh, cobble stone streets, the ocean and two people in love, what more could you want. Pure heaven, Char

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

What fantastic pictures you have taken! Good grief! This is a vacation I will only dream of. Those pictures are so wonderful for me to look at.

My sweet friend, I want to thank you once again for loading my summertime blog background. I am so proud of the work you have done for me! You keep me presentable!! :)
Where ever you are I hope you are having fun!!
Love and hugs!

Shirley said...

Thanks for sharing your vacation with us. I have enjoyed seeing the many ports and all of the beautiful scenery. Have a wonderful weekend. Your Missouri Friend.

Unknown said...

Jealous of what I found??? I could use a vacation in San Juan right now. I'm jealous of your wonderful vacation! I'm in Texas right now. Dad is on Hospice at this time. I found those treasures before I came here. But, I hear I'm only 45 minutes away from the Canton Flea. Once I get a reprieve day, I'll be sure to head over and take some pics for you all. I'll let you know what I find. Saw your new post today of your new items. As always, they are simply beautiful. Hugs~ Rita

Villa Maire said...

Loved your pictures of your lovely
vacation ! Thank you for sharing.
I love David Austin roses as well.
Pink roses are my favorites too !

Terry @ La Bella Vie said...

Wow this is so fun to see, my husband and I went to Puerto Rico for 10 days and found it to be a beautiful place but we never made it into the town of San Jaun...this was such a fun way to see it!
Thanks for sharing...
Terry, your PNW friend:)

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