My roses in the cottage garden--not so good this year. We have had a cool rainy 4 weeks and even the royal rosarians from the Portland Oregon Rose Festival said this was one of the worst years for roses in our area. They need sun! My roses suffered some of the worst black spot I have ever seen. Most the blooms are still quite pretty, but the bush looks awful. I snapped a few pics today, and while trying to edit out the bad leaves I started playing with some of the filters on one of my editing programs. Fun transformations, and I thought I would share with you!
click on the pics to enlarge to see the transformation
For not having a good year they are certainly beautiful!!
Those are some amazing roses. And that was a bad year?
Hope you'll join us Sunday for "Summer Sundays". It's all about what summer means to YOU!Roses???
- The Tablescaper
Your pictures are still beautiful of your roses. We had an unusually harsh winter too. We even had snow here which is quite uncommon for this part of California. My roses are suffering too from black spot and rust. I am still trying to win the battle.
Have a great day!
Hi I love Roses, however living in Calif. Norther high country does not allow me to grow them. The deers enjoy them as food.
Love your blog and the roses are beautiful. LenZie
Hola, me encanta tu blog,y todas las maravillas que haces, Dios te bendiga.
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