About Me

My photo
Sublimity, OR, United States
I am artist of texture and color. I enjoy working with textiles, mixed media and the graphic arts. I am an avid cottage gardener with a love for pass along plants and big fluffy pink peonies and pink roses. Many of my tangible creations reflect my love of the garden and all its wonderful colors. I have been selling my creations online since 2002 beginning as a hobby. After 10 years I quit the day job to pursue my art as a full time passion.

23 January 2011

Cottage Colors Party January

It's a new party over at Etsy Cottage Style blog!

The color of the month is BLUE

Here are a few of my favorite blue treasures

a favorite place setting from a local 92 yrs young artist and friend

a favorite set of towels

a sampler pillow I stitched up several years ago when I first sold on ebay!

and since I am already getting a garden itch...
my blue Lobelia!!

If you have some blue to share, pop over to

15 January 2011

Free Valentine images to share

I have been so busy with projects lately, no time for posting here! But I love to share my vintage postcard collection, so here are a few that you can use in your crafts...right click to save.

06 January 2011

I am not on diet.

New years resolutions.  I am sure you have seen all the ads by now--New Year, New You....corny, but really, what better time to refresh and renew. I could have gone on a diet,  I have before and lost weight. But you know, I really hate dieting, because I cave in too much to those sinful foods and blow the whole deal.
 But we have a wonderful tropical vacation to Kona Hawaii planned for this spring so I have to do something....

I do workout on a regular basis, so I am going to step that up a bit, but exercise alone doesn't help you lose extra pounds. It is a combo of diet and exercise...and this is a biggie....keeping a food journal. Whenever I complain about not being able to lose, my daughter replies with "are you keeping a food journal mom?". Well, let me tell you, this is a chore for me, but it does work! You think twice about what you eat because you have to write it down.
I marched down and got myself 2 little composition books small enough to tuck into my purse, and I am off and running this week.
I am including a link to 
7 reasons why keeping a food journal helps
just click the pic below!

Every Saturday

Where we reside

Where we reside

The Oregon Coastline

The Oregon Coastline