
About Me

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Sublimity, OR, United States
I am artist of texture and color. I enjoy working with textiles, mixed media and the graphic arts. I am an avid cottage gardener with a love for pass along plants and big fluffy pink peonies and pink roses. Many of my tangible creations reflect my love of the garden and all its wonderful colors. I have been selling my creations online since 2002 beginning as a hobby. After 10 years I quit the day job to pursue my art as a full time passion.

14 June 2011

What a difference in a week

Linking up today....

. A week ago I had almost no blooms due one of the wettest, coolest springs on record here in the Pac Northwest.So here are this weeks pics. The Foxgloves are just glorious along with the yellow columbine that has literally reseeded everywhere. But hey, that's okay, that is what a cottage garden is all about.

 Zephirine Drouhin climbing rose, just starting to show her beauty

I love this ground cover of little "Pinks", very fragrant, just wish it would bloom all summer!

The pic above is this week in my cottage Garden.  I am thinking I should take a pic from the same angle and do a slide show at the end of the summer on the transformation my cottage garden makes each week, that would be such a treat to view during the dreary winter months:)


Anonymous said...

Ooo! I love it! Not much of a garden here yet but maybe some day. ♥

deborah said...

Your garden is lovely!
Thanks for sharing it with your readers!
Have a wonderful week!

Toyin O. said...

Wow, beautiful garden.

Art From The heart said...

What a beautiful garden. I love foxglove but it doesn't seem to do well in Mi. At least not in my yard and I've found the rabbits love Columbine. Sadly nothing eats the weeds !!!
Hugs, Amy

Linda said...

The foxgloves are wonderful...mine seem to tip over when they get too tall...yours are perfect! Your garden is so lovely!!

Marlee said...

So beautiful to look at! Love your teacup feeders...perfect for a cottage garden.

Athena at MinervasGarden said...

What a beautiful garden you have! My Zephrine Drouhin is blooming away now as well--I love that rose! I have a lavender-colored lilac nearby, and they are lovely together.

Athena at Minerva's Garden


Hi. Your cottage garden is lovely! I live in the wet Pac West too. My columbine and foxglove are also in full bloom; love them. We lost a lot of roses this winter. Your rose arbor is gorgeous.
~ Julie

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

O My! How beautiful your garden is and those foxgloves are to die for!
I just planted a rather large one myself as I am trying to create a cottage garden in my very small back yard! Yours is such an inspiration!!


Celestina Marie said...

Hi Debbie,
Your garden is gorgeous. Your roses and the little ground cover pinks are so pretty.
It is the true look of a cottage garden. Love your tall foxgloves.
You surely have a green thumb.
I am working on my cottage garden to make it through our 100 degree days. It is a challenge, but I am watering everyday. The water meter is running circles and I am sure it will be a shock when the bill comes, but better then having to replant, work and spend more money to replace. That is my logic. LOL
Happy Wednesday and thank you for the garden inspiration.
Hugs from a very warm Texas,
Celestina Marie

Beth said...

Lovely cottage-style garden! Thanks for sharing.

Bren said...

oh i love those flowers that look like bells!! Thank you for visiting my blog too.

Anonymous said...


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The Oregon Coastline