
About Me

My photo
Sublimity, OR, United States
I am artist of texture and color. I enjoy working with textiles, mixed media and the graphic arts. I am an avid cottage gardener with a love for pass along plants and big fluffy pink peonies and pink roses. Many of my tangible creations reflect my love of the garden and all its wonderful colors. I have been selling my creations online since 2002 beginning as a hobby. After 10 years I quit the day job to pursue my art as a full time passion.

08 August 2011

Another summer project revealed

Remember this chair??

Here she is re-purposed into a pot chair
for my front porch!

She greets you as you step on the front porch

Welcome to Arbor Oak Cottage
est. 2005
Sanded primed and painted banana cream color, Then a white milk wash to age it a bit.  I actually have a pot that fits into the cut out, but I have not planted it yet. So for photo's sake, I sat one on top.
For the lettering I used a technique from Carol of the Polka Dot Closet blog. I measured the space and then went to my graphic program and created the stencil. Here is the link to Carol's tutorial Transferring Graphics on Furniture


Anonymous said...

Absolutely Beautiful!!
Have a Wonderful Day!!

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Goodness girl you don't have to give credit for that, you are tooo sweet Your chair looks great and I am getting ready to do the same thing to a chair that has the seat falling out, it's not wooden so I can't write on the back,that is a great idea


Linda said...

Very cute!! Your front porch looks so nice already but that addition is wonderful!!

Unknown said...

That is SUCH a great idea! It makes an awesome planter and also a great welcome to a home. You are so creative!

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

cute and I really the est. date in the center!

Joanne Kennedy said...

How cute! I think that is one of the most darling plant holders I've ever seen.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Debbi,
WOW this is fabulous. Perfect on your porch and I love seeing the before. You are so talented my friend. Love it!

Thank you for the anniversary wishes. Good luck in my giveaway.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Puumuli said...

Very nice!

Sari from Puumuli

Heaven's Walk said...

Debbi! What a darling idea! You transformed that sad chair into quite a thing of beauty! :) Nice job! :)

xoxo laurie

Unknown said...

Hi Debbi! Well, got my new website all up and running.....even have the SEO done! 8) not as comp deficient as I was. Did it all myself! Ok don't ask me to create a button or nothin, but at least I've conquered point and click to a certain extent..LOL
You've been busy over at ECS looks great as always. I was thinkin pof startin a new blog party to go with the others..I'll e-mail later

Unknown said...

Debbi, your welcoming chair is wonderful. What a fabulous idea.

Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY, for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.

Have a beautiful weekend.

Every Saturday

Where we reside

Where we reside

The Oregon Coastline

The Oregon Coastline