my greenhouse 2002
There was a time when I was really into greenhouse growing. I mean BIG TIME. I grew all my own flowers and veggies from seeds and cuttings. I took 2 years of greenhouse practices classes at our local community college...I was really really into it. I found some old pics, not very good, back then I was just learning to use a digital camera and had no idea how to correctly edit. I thought I would share a few of them since I was not ready with the frugal egg crate method...and we no longer live at the house with the greenhouse....Oh I still love to cottage garden, but I was pretty burned out when we sold that house. It truly was a lot of work. I had started my online textile art business and having both passions was just too much.My only regrets are I wish I could have picked up that house and moved it to the little town we live in now. It was a lovely cottage style with lace curtains and floral wallpaper. When we moved my husband politely asked me if I would cut down on all the lace and florals in the new house......
join us for the party!
join us for the party!
What a darling house & gorgeous gardens, Debbi. I love growing from seed in the house ... pull up geraniums yearly & put in garage under lights. Hard to part with my flowers ...
Happy Spring!
Oh Debbi! How beautiful. I am jealous. Always wanted a greenhouse, but now I'm glad I don't cause I'd have worse troubles with mold and fungus allergies. You have a definite green thumb 8)
I can tell you loved your garden Debbi, Reminds me of myself in my younger days. Lots of work you are right but so beautiful, thanks for sharing, Hugs Marilou
What a fabulous home inside and out with your patio and greenhouse!
Smiles, Cyndi
Just loved reading this. My husband just surprised me with a green house about 3 years ago and I have been learning so much. I love it! The yard photos and the house are charming! blessings,Kathleen
Hi Debbi, Truly a gorgeous home and gardens. I just love that you grew your own flowers from seeds and cuttings. I bet it was hard to cut down on the lace. It would be for me. LOL
Happy Spring, Celestina Marie
I often think it would be great to pick up houses and put them elsewhere! Your greenhouse in that first photo looks like a airstream shape or am I imagining it?
HUGS and do pop by and say hi if you get a sec. Love your blog!
xxx Lorraine xxx
Lovely house and the garden looks amazing,i too love to grow my own flowers and veg ,i have a polytunnel and i love pottering about in there x
What an absolutely stunning home and garden! I can understand though how much work it must have been to maintain...
I love gardening even though my body says no. I usually win the fight. I had a dried flower business for years. But the elk got the best of me. I now have my flowers closer to the house. Having a little better luck. Your gardens were beautiful and very nice in your new home too. I live in the cascade foothills in WA.
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