About Me

My photo
Sublimity, OR, United States
I am artist of texture and color. I enjoy working with textiles, mixed media and the graphic arts. I am an avid cottage gardener with a love for pass along plants and big fluffy pink peonies and pink roses. Many of my tangible creations reflect my love of the garden and all its wonderful colors. I have been selling my creations online since 2002 beginning as a hobby. After 10 years I quit the day job to pursue my art as a full time passion.

30 July 2010

I just had to share this amazing work by California Artist Susan Rios....I could just fall into this setting.....

click on the pic to see all of it!


Unknown said...

That is one pretty table. I think I could sit there all day. I beleive I have a calender for some years back that has some of her work in it..not sure, but it sure looks like it. Haveta dig it out and check.
Hope you're havin a great day!

Doni said...

Hi Debbie! That is the sweetest picture! And your garden! That Queen Anne's lace is gorgeous! I could fall into THAT!!!
Blessings, Doni

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

So Pretty - I did enlarge the picture so I could memorize every piece of it. I'm working on a back yard project that I'd love to have end up looking like that picture....sigh.....

Anonymous said...

I, too, could settle in there nicely, Debbie! I can almost smell the Earl Grey tea, and the scent of oven-fresh scones with Devon cream and stawberry preserves..what a lovely afternoon that would be!

So glad you stopped by my place and enjoyed my post...


a Vintage Cottage said...

Just gorgeous. Doesn't that picture just make you want to go create that vignette somewhere? Luscious.

Angela Scavazza said...

Olá, adorei seu blog!!!!!!
Venha conhecer meu blog:


Anonymous said...

Very pretty Debbie. Your pillows would fit beautifully in that painting. I have been following the saga of your rose dishes over at SLS. Can't wait to here the outcome. They are one magnificent set. I was surprised at the low ball offers people said they would give. They are worth so much more but then again the problem is being a specialized set. Hope you get them!

Every Saturday

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The Oregon Coastline

The Oregon Coastline