hosted by Etsy Cottage Style Blog
For the month of June, the challenge was to find something vintage that began with the letters I, J, and/or K
Certainly got me thinking---I came up with JARDIN which is French for garden, and ended being able to use all three letters!
Since many of my digital creations from vintage Images include French words, and I create lots of Keepsake pillows, and repurpose vintage Jewelry in designing are a few examples
hope you enjoyed! this was so fun~
You do such beautiful work, love it!
Hi, Debbi,
I enjoyed seeing your lovely creations as always. The pillows with vintage images and jewels and the lovely tags~all were wonderful. Have a delightful week~ Vicki
Hi Debbi,
My goodness simply beautiful. Your work is amazing. I love it all.
Thank you for stopping by.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
I love your blog! how clever to use Jardin for "J"! I just turned in my RSVP! I'm wracking my brain for what I'll post!
Just beautiful!
Debbi your creations are just lovely. I so love vintage images and you have used some pretty ones.
I loved seeing where you create all these pretties. it's a lovely space.
Beautiful JARDIN items! The pillows are really lovely.
Kimberly :-)
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